Teaching vs. Tutoring

The Design Trip
4 min readJan 20, 2022


Teaching vs. Tutoring

Teachers vs tutors — what’s the difference?

It may not be apparent to you, but tutoring and teaching are fundamentally different from each other, even if they seem like they are similar. Tutoring guides in homework help, if tutors are experts and experienced.

Generally speaking, teachers are expected to be licensed and qualified, as well as possess relevant training. Although tutors are not required to possess specific qualifications in the subjects they are teaching, they are encouraged to acquire them. The combination of teachers’ normal working hours with their private tutoring clinics is very common and allows them to supplement their income. Teachers and tutors can combine their jobs at the same time as they are both teachers and tutors.

Let me point out some basic differences between teaching and tutoring:

The first issue is that teachers typically have to deal with many students at the same time, so of course, there’s no time for teachers to deal with each student individually. Tutors on the other hand are able to specialize in one particular student depending on their subject.

For students to achieve required competency levels, teachers are required to follow standardized education programs and adhere to time limits. However, tutors provide one-on-one lessons and may take into consideration the individual’s learning style as part of the lesson.

Usually, classroom learning is conducted from a one size fits all perspective by the teachers. The tutor may be able to accommodate the student’s learning style more easily and choose teaching methods that correspond to each student’s needs.

Teachers often use the lesson time to provide students with extra learning materials as there is not enough time during the lesson to give them all the information they need to learn. Find a tutor who can assist when help is needed and who may reinforce what has been taught in the classroom so that individual help can be provided.

As well as improving study skills and strategies, a tutor can help students develop effective study habits.

There is no guarantee that a licensed teacher will deliver quality lessons just because they are expensive. Some students may find that a tutor can provide an additional layer of learning to the classroom setting. Tutors without formal qualifications, but with extensive experience in the subject they are teaching, could develop into highly effective teachers by simply applying their passion for their subject.

Teaching and tutoring — A look at the differences

The difference between tutoring and teaching is something you may have wondered about. There are fundamental differences between a teacher and a tutor that you may not have been aware of but are worth considering.

It is regarded as a requirement that teachers working in schools have certain professional qualifications, whereas private tutors are not required by law to have qualifications in the subjects they teach, therefore, providing education is not restricted to school. Moreover, it is also a fact that many teachers are also tutors in addition to their primary occupation of teaching in schools and to their daytime jobs.

Let us take a look at the main differences between teachers and tutors.


  • Students who study in a large number of schools follow a standardized curriculum that is based on a set of academic standards. Teachers provide tuition to a large number of students. In order to meet their goals, it should be made sure that the classroom reaches its target within a specific period of time.
  • Trying to create a teaching style that will be suitable for most students is the teacher’s responsibility.
  • It will be important for teachers to provide children with effective learning material that is suited to the learning styles of different students.
  • Teachers will adjust the pace based on the progress of the class as a whole; if the majority of the students’ understanding of the material has been confirmed, then a teacher can advance to the next subject.


  • An individual tutor will be able to provide him or her with individual one-to-one tuition. Individual tutors will be able to customize the lessons according to the student's personal learning styles.
  • A tutor can present information in a variety of ways to help their students comprehend concepts by using several different methods.
  • Students are as likely to ask tutors for help with specific tasks and assignments as they are to request tutors for general educational needs. Tutors help fill any gaps in students’ education.
  • Tutors assist in integrating lessons taught in the classroom into the tutors’ lessons.
  • Tutors focus on the particular needs of their students, while teachers teach a particular subject.
  • Tutors may also teach students study skills and techniques, when necessary. A tutor may try out several methods before finding one that works for them.

Although it is likely that a qualified teacher who is charging a high hourly rate will provide one-to-one private tuition, this does not necessarily mean that the lessons would be of exceptional quality. Many qualified teachers are more interested in their day jobs than teaching. Classroom teaching is very different from home tuition because of the different environments. It is possible to become an excellent tutor with no qualifications or few educations if you have a strong passion for the subject you are teaching. With experience and time, you can become a superb tutor. It is desirable that teachers and tutors complement each other in the best of all possible worlds.

In the event that you need a tutor to support your child’s academic achievement, we are more than capable to assist you. We encourage you to browse individual tutor profiles to see what they have to offer and to read their reviews. You may contact as many tutors as you like to discuss your child’s needs.

We recommend that you browse through the desklib online tutoring service’s list of tutors. If you are interested in optimizing your child’s educational needs. Here you can find tutor reviews and qualifications related to the subject.



The Design Trip

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